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Chen Weizhong - Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Creep Behaviour of Boom Clay read DOC, TXT, EPUB


Creep behavior, especially for underground radioactive waste disposal facilities, whose storage period far exceed the service time of the most civil engineering underground facilities, is very significant. Boom Clay, an argillaceous rock chosen as a reasonable geological barrier in Belgium is first systematically studied in this book. A series of research tools such as laboratory experiments (4 years), field measurements (20 years), theoretical studies, back analysis and numerical simulations are used to study the mechanical behavior of this rock. Firstly, laboratory studies such as oedometer tests, HM triaxial tests, HM triaxial creep tests and SEM tests, etc, intuitively show the nonlinear behavior of the argillaceous rock and it provides a basis for the theoretical studies. Secondly, considering the anisotropic mechanical properties and nonlinear creep potential of Boom clay, a relatively complete theoretical system has been established. This theoretical work contains establishing elasto-plastic damage constitutive model, creep damage model, permeability sealing model, etc. Thirdly, based on the field measurements in the last few decades, using back analysis method, the theoretical studies are verified, meanwhile, back analysis on field stress, anisotropic permeability and in situ creep measurements of HADES are implemented, and a lot of reliable parameters who will benifit the further prediction of the mechanical behavior of the host rock of HADES have been obtained. Finally, based on the study above, long term stability analysis of the underground disposal facilities is implemented and the risks facing future generations in the event of failure in the disposal system are also quantified through numerical simulation., Creep behaviour, especially for underground radioactive waste disposal facilities, whose storage period far exceed the service time of most of the civil engineering underground facilities, is very significant. Boom Clay, an argillaceous rock chosen as a reasonable geological barrier in Belgium is first systematically studied in this book. A series of research tools such as laboratory experiments (4 years), field measurements (20 years), theoretical studies, back analysis and numerical simulations are used to study the mechanical behavior of this rock. Firstly, laboratory studies such as oedometer tests, HM triaxial tests, HM triaxial creep tests and SEM tests, etc, intuitively show the nonlinear behaviour of the argillaceous rock and it provides a basis for the theoretical studies. Secondly, considering the anisotropic mechanical properties and nonlinear creep potential of Boom Clay, a relatively complete theoretical system has been established. This theoretical work contains establishing elasto-plastic damage constitutive model, creep damage model, permeability sealing model, etc. Thirdly, based on the field measurements in the last few decades, using back analysis method, the theoretical studies are verified, meanwhile, back analysis on field stress, anisotropic permeability and in situ creep measurements of HADES are implemented, and a lot of reliable parameters that will benefit the further prediction of the mechanical behavior of the host rock of HADES have been obtained. Finally, based on the study above, long term stability analysis of the underground disposal facilities is implemented and the risks facing future generations in the event of failure in the disposal system are also quantified through numerical simulation., The Deep Mixing Method (DMM), a deep in-situ soil stabilization technique using cement and/or lime as a stabilizing agent, was developed in Japan and in the Nordic countries independently in the 1970s. Numerous research efforts have been made in these areas investigating properties of treated soil, behavior of DMM improved ground under static and dynamic conditions, design methods, and execution techniques. Due to its wide applicability and high improvement effect, the method has become increasingly popular in many countries in Europe, Asia and in the USA. In the past three to four decades, traditional mechanical mixing has been improved to meet changing needs. New types of the technology have also been developed in the last 10 years; e.g. the high pressure injection mixing method and the method that combines mechanical mixing and high pressure injection mixing technologies. The design procedures for the DM methods were standardized across several organizations in Japan and revised several times. Information on these rapid developments will benefit those researchers and practitioners who are involved in ground improvement throughout the world. The book presents the state of the art in Deep Mixing methods, and covers recent technologies, research activities and know-how in machinery, design, construction technology and quality control and assurance. The Deep Mixing Method is a useful reference tool for engineers and researchers involved in DMM technology everywhere, regardless of local soil conditions and variety in applications.

Book Chen Weizhong - Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Creep Behaviour of Boom Clay in DJV, TXT, FB2